Understanding Basis of Terraform

I said that I would be sharing the tips that would make it easy to understand Terraform. #day1terraformchallenge

Terraform is popularly known as an open-source infrastructure as code that allows you to automate/provision and manage infrastructure. In short, it is used to automate infrastructure tasks to the platform and services that run on the platform. It is declarative. After the infrastructure has been provisioned, you can deploy your applications on the infrastructure.

Overview of infrastructure as code with Terraform

  1. Providers

  2. Resources and data sources

  3. Terraform state

  4. Output

  5. Variable

  6. Environmental variables

  7. Modules

However, people find it hard to differentiate between ansible and terraform. They are two things entirely things. Ansible is a configuration management tool while Terraform is an infrastructure management tool. I will talk about ansible in the next challenge.

I will take you through how to provision an EC2 instance and a VM on Azure in the next article.

#terraform #iac #iac2023 #aws #infrastructureascode #terraformvsansible #devOps